A Personal Transformation Workshop Series
Have you ever noticed that some people are happier than usual and they seem to really enjoy life? When stressful things happen in their life they just roll with it and move forward stronger than ever. I can share a program with you that will allow you to take charge of your life. It is simple, straightforward and something everyone can do if they choose.
Schedule Pending
Dates: TBD
Time: 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm CST
Location: TBD
Cost: $125
Includes: workbook, class materials, certificate of completion and heartfelt connection
Workshop Cost: $125

The workshop I deliver is called Infinite Possibilities (IP), the Art of Changing Your Life. It is based upon the book, Infinite Possibilities – The Art of Living your Dreams, by Mike Dooley. Mike is a NY-Times bestselling author; he is also the author of the Notes from the Universe, Thoughts Become Things and was featured in the movie The Secret!
I will share concepts and tools to help you identify your thoughts and beliefs; to see how your thoughts and beliefs directly affect your life experiences. We will look at straightforward ways to take action so you can start living the life of our dreams right now. The workshop is fun, upbeat, informative and eye-opening!
This program is fully customizable to meet your needs.
The material presented covers these topics in great detail; however, here is a brief listing of the training sessions:
Session 1: Introduction
Session 2: Thoughts Become Things
Session 3: Beliefs
Session 4: Emotions
Session 5: Taking Action
Session 6: Instincts, Hunches, Dreams and Desires
Session 7: Faith and the Magical Universe
Session 8: The Meaning of Life
Participants will receive a course workbook & Certificate of Completion (must attend all 4 sessions for certificate)